Choosing the right garden bed for the right location
When it comes to grow beds, there are many different options that come to mind. The main factors of choosing a growbed are given by the permaculture design we have done ahead on the Permaculture Landscape design page.
Of utmost importance is the life of all, Water! Where does it come from and where does it go to, we have to consider that, before choosing a grow bed. Manipulating the waters natural flow through swales, Huegel cultures, wicking beds, rain gardens or external irrigation we can ensure our installed beds function properly at all times. As some grow beds water themselves, others need irrigation that needs to be incorporated into the bulding process of the garden bed. When we use the resource Water we want to waste as little as possible to storm drain run off or evaporation.
Garden beds can be categorized by the ones that need structural components and a building process with materials others than those used as grow medium. The structural layout of a garden bed is merley a casing that needs to be filled with methods arising out of the growing options, not needing a built structure to exist.
When deciding for a garden bed a few factor come into play, that help us to distinguish what type of bed we can plant in, utilizing natures resources. The main decision making point is the existing landscape you have. Landscape can be divided in three main categories; sloped hill side, flat areas or sunken grounds.