Overview of Services offered

What I Do for Your Garden and Home

Around your Garden

Landscape Design

Developing garden spaces into edible Landscape where your food can grow.

Soil Management

Ensures the soil in which you food grows is organic, sustainable and probiotic.

Pest Management “IPM”

Applies natural remedies to combat garden pests.

Water based Installations

Rain Water Collection and Retention Systems

Eliminate wasted tap water to water your vegetable garden bed; Saving money and elevating storm drain run off.

Water Fermentation Filtration Systems

For Grey Water and circulating aquacultures to clean, nitrify and enrich your irrigation water with organic nitrients.

Grey Water Systems and Drain fields

Reuse water from kitchen, shower, tub, vanity and washing machine to keep your Garden Beds always watered.

Around Your Home

Greenhouse Installation

Make use of Sun’s light rays, is heat radiation, and your collected rain water to harness free Energy sorces right in your home.

Indoor Grow Spaces

For your personal year round food supply to optimize energy and financial consumption

Livestock Habitats

  • Chicken / Duck coops
  • Rabbit hutches
  • Aquacultures with Wiking beds
  • Duck ponds and baths